Sunday, January 31, 2010

Reflection on the lecture by Dr. Lovett

Through the lecture given by Dr. Lovett on Friday, I learned a lot about the brain. The brain drives the one's awareness, memory and even personality. Each hemisphere of the bran has different roles and controls different side of the body. The right hemisphere is deeply connected to writing, language, scientific skills, mathematics, logic and so on. While the left one is related to emotion , creativity, imagination and dimension. The information given by Dr. Lovett was practical, indeed.

Emilio Garcia. 4 Dec 2008. Online image. flickr. retrieved from:

My virtues and faults

It was a good occasion for me to think about my virtues more seriously than usual. Especially, this week, I was likely to keep myself busy. I had a lot of assignments this week and even though I made a plan so that I would be able to manage everything in time, I tended to postpone doing them. Therefore, at the end of the week, I had to stay up late to finish up them. As Franklin mentions, it is extremely difficult to acquire order of "self". Supposing you do not succeed in the order, it can vex you a lot. However, it also seems to be true that if it were not any order of "self", which is deeply related to my virtues, I do not think I would be able to develop myself.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Job and Wiesel

To begin with, it is true that both Job and Wiesel believed in God strongly. Even after they underwent a lot of suffering, they still kept praying for God. However, eventually, both of them started to wonder why those things were happenning to them, which is one of the similarities. In other words, they once lost their faith in God, yet I take it for granted that they think in that way since they are humans. On the other hand, the most significant difference is that while Job got everything back and even more at the end of his story, Wiesel seems to be still suffering for what happened to him since he never got what he lost during the Holocaust such as his father back.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Reflecting on the lecture given by Professor Kather

Reflecting on the lecture given by Professor Kather, I was quite surprised at the art works shown by him, which were mainly made during the Holocaust. The spirit of artworks during the wholesale slaughter is absolutely out of my understanding. Also, I was schocked at the fact that around 10 million innocent people were killed during the time alongside feeling sympathy for all the victims. Simultaneously, it was interesting because before the lecture, I had read the book more or less, however, after the lecture with a lot of photos, I felt like the topic was more familiar with me to a certain extent. To be honest, I could not put up with the photos of many people who are just skin and bones. Now, I wish this kind of tragedy would never take place anywhere in this world just like Proffesor Kather strongly insisted at the end of his lecture.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Reflecting on the lecture given by Professor Kather

It was a lof of fun for me to take Professor Kather's lecture. Throughout the lecture, she showed us around 20 pictures alongside explaing the details of them. I learned something about William Blake, an English artist as well as a poet. I would admire his work a lot, every picture was breathtaking. Without his pictures and Professor Kather, my comprehension of the story could have been vague even after reading as the story itself is rather complex for me. So the lecture was obviously helpful.

homework for the weekend

I chose the question, "Is such a conception of God still relevant in the modern world?"

I strongly insist that the kind of conception of God written in "The Book of JOB" is associated with the modern world. The reason for my statement is because I believe that even if a person has to face a lot of suffering, he or she can escape from the severe condition by believing in and praying for God. As can be seen from the ending of the story, Job got his fortune and happiness back at last. I consider this sequence was brought about because of the fact that he realized the splendor of God after he had heard God telling him the importance of the occasion taking place at the time, which God decided to give him as an ordeal, in the storm. Eventually, he started praying for God more deeply, indeed. It is natural that every person is likely to face a lot of difficulties in terms of finance, relationship and so on, however, if they do not give up and keep making efforts, I do believe that they will be successful again sometime just like Job. My answer for the question seems abstract since the thought is invisible, however, this is what my notion of God is like.