Thursday, April 8, 2010

Reflecting on Dr. Jacobson's lecture Lecture

Throughout the lecture given by Dr. Jacobson, I learned about Dynamical Systems and Chaos Theory. Most of the lecture was mathematical, so the lecture gave me a new view of chaos. The most interesting fact that I learned is that even simple dynamical systems can produce arbitrarily complicated behavior. One of the instances was shown through the formula; y=x²-c. C is called parameters and small changes in the initial value causes large changed in the value of later numbers of the sequence. In other words, the larger the parameter gets, the more complicated the behavior becomes. In addition, it happens the same way for almost every dynamical system. In my opinion, chaos in daily life is caused in a similar way to the theory, just like the relationship between x and c and the amount of them.

Space Ritual. 27 Novemeber 2007. Online image. flickr. retrieved from

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